Ductile iron pipe is sized according to a dimensionless term known as the Pipe Size or Nominal Diameter (known by its French abbreviation, DN).
This is roughly equivalent to the pipe’s internal diameter in inches or millimeters. However, it is the external diameter of the pipe that is kept constant between changes in wall thickness, in order to maintain compatibility in joints and fittings. Consequently, the internal diameter varies, sometimes significantly, from its nominal size.
Ductile iron has excellent properties of machinability, impact resistance.
high wear and tear resistance.
high tensile strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance.
It is strong, both the inner and outer surfaces are smooth, free from lumps, blisters, and scars.
These pipes are free from cracks.
Ductile pipes stand up to hydraulic pressure tests are required by service regulations.
These pipes are approximately 30 % lighter than conventional cast-iron pipes.
The use of ductile iron pipes in water mains may lead to saving in the cost of water supply projects.