Globe And Angle Valves

It is a cage trim control valve product line designed with a fully integrated, interchangeable system of parts.

The line has all the product variations of comparable lines, without the use of multiple seats, redundant seals or seat ring adapters. All cages for a given valve size have constant bore diameters. Cv reductions are achieved by reducing the area of cage openings, not by changing seat diameters or valve travel, thus eliminating the need for changing additional trim parts. The end result is a streamlined product offering that provides maximum versatility and flexibility, yet requires a minimum of inventory and maintenance.

  • Rolling diaphragm provides excellent sensitivity and provides maximum constant effective area which translates into improved linearity.

  • Modular construction provides maximum part interchangeability between direct and reverse-acting models and between selected case sizes.

  • High spring rates improve control valve stability.

  • Minimal guiding assures low hysteresis in reverse-acting models—zero hysteresis in direct-acting models.

  • Stainless steel stems are standard for maximum performance in corrosive environments.