Non-Welded Pipe

Non-Welded piping is an evolution in piping connection systems where no welding is required with no compromise in the strength of the piping system

This technology has brought relief to many organizations in the world in terms of safety, cleanliness, time constraints and a lot more. A non-welded system for high-pressure piping reduces the time required for each connection. It is used for hydraulic pipe applications including pipe grooving and threadless fittings.

  • connecting system eliminates the extensive requirements and costs of welding such as a welder and consumables.

  • hot work permits, fire watch, flushing and purging, gas freeing, radiography, and certification.

  • Repairs and pipe installations can be made safely, quickly, and easily

  • minimizing the duration of shutdown periods.

  • Weldless and threadless way of joining pipe/tube.